“Mothers in law” is an interesting Nigerian Movie directed by Chika Onu. This movie was chosen because of a number of gender issues it presents. They include:
1. Stereotyped gender roles at home with the changing trend of modernization.
2. Culture and marriage.
3. Role of mothers in law and daughters in law in marriage.
4. The rights of men in marriage; how wives perceive husbands.
5. Gender and ownership.
The movie describes how mothers in law maltreat their daughters in law for no apparent reason. This hatred is exhibited in attitudes and general discontentment toward daughters in law. The wife in this marriage is expected to serve her husband and mother in law like a slave girl so long as she remains the wife. To the mother in law; a man must be served by a woman in every sense. Mothers in law are so infuriated by the modern trend of their sons lending a helping hand to their wives at home.
Customarily the mother in law would have to investigate the background of a woman before concerting to her marriage. This gives her a lot of power and influence as her blessing really matters so much to the son. Mothers in law in this movie play unique roles as they create tension in the marriages of their sons. These same mothers in law tend to look out for the best kind of treatment for their daughters in marriage. This movie, also shows a clear manifestation of ownership of land where women are left out completely because they have no right to own such properties. The domination of men are so pronounced in this movie when a wife remarks that, her husband can do whatever he wants with his body without her concern. This movie relates to the changes novel presented in class where families and mothers in law wielded a lot of influence and authority in their children’s marriages.
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